Saturday, 21 March 2009

Hair History

Hey everyone, sorry for jumping on the bandagon but I thought I'd share my hair history! Sorry for the poor quality on the first few, I took photos of the photos!

It's been hilarious doing this & it sort of explains why my poor hair doesn't really grow & is in such bad condition!

So, where to start... well 16 seems a good start. Here I am with bright red short hair, I promise it was the bees knees at the time.
Explains why I didn't have a boyfriend!

So from 16-18 I had short hair & it was either very short, this length & brown or red.
Then came the dreaded growing out stage. This is the main reason I won't have short hair. Luckily the GHDs were invented about the same time!
Then I went to do a ski season so literally left my hair alone for 6 months & it looked like this:

Then I went to work in Greece for the summer so again, no intervention from hairdressers!

By the end of the summer it was quite a horrible colour, bleached in the sun & looking slightly orange!

The I went to Uni but has an urge to do something different so decided to be a hair model! This is me in a catwalk show. The hair was actually lovely, plum coloured with white bits!

Then I had various different asymmetrical styles:
This is the worst, there is literally no excuse for this! I was 19ish, what can I say!

So then I persevered with growing it & having just a normal colour & got to this:

Then I got extensions, can't really tell on this picture but they were AMAZING & I loved them but being young & at uni I didn't look after them :(

Then I went really dark, as in black

Then had it stripped & it went a lovely reddish
Then this is me now with blonde hair!

So after 10 years of hair abuse, no wonder it won't get any longer!

So what is your favourite look??



  1. haha wow, you changed your hair so much. It makes me seem kindof boring! Which was your favourite? x

  2. I love how your hair has changed so much, your current one is lovely:) I wish I could go blond!
