It's been hilarious doing this & it sort of explains why my poor hair doesn't really grow & is in such bad condition!
So, where to start... well 16 seems a good start. Here I am with bright red short hair, I promise it was the bees knees at the time.

So from 16-18 I had short hair & it was either very short, this length & brown or red.

Then I went to do a ski season so literally left my hair alone for 6 months & it looked like this:

Then I went to work in Greece for the summer so again, no intervention from hairdressers!

By the end of the summer it was quite a horrible colour, bleached in the sun & looking slightly orange!

The I went to Uni but has an urge to do something different so decided to be a hair model! This is me in a catwalk show. The hair was actually lovely, plum coloured with white bits!

Then I had various different asymmetrical styles:

So then I persevered with growing it & having just a normal colour & got to this:

Then I got extensions, can't really tell on this picture but they were AMAZING & I loved them but being young & at uni I didn't look after them :(

Then I went really dark, as in black
Then had it stripped & it went a lovely reddish

So after 10 years of hair abuse, no wonder it won't get any longer!
So what is your favourite look??